A dead whale was found at dawn, wedged under a bridge, in the Oakland Estuary. The decomposing mass was strangely beautiful to me. I replicated a portion of the the color and texture of the carcass. It was towed to the Marine Mammal Center for identification. They reported it was a Juvenile Female Fin Whale. She was one of the more than 80 endangered species whales killed by ships off the coasts of California, Oregon and Washington each year. Collisions with ships are a major cause of mortality for blue whales, humpback whales and fin whales.
Featured in “Fur, Fangs, Feathers & Fins”, a traveling exhibit beginning at Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum in April 2022 with a full color catalog published by SAQA
Featured in “Exploring ArtQuilts”, Volume 2, Around the World, Schiffer Publishing, 2021
Featured in “SAQA Art Quilt Quarterly”, Issue No. 16 Juried Artist Portfolio, published 2019